Introduction of safety and quality standards among private healthcare providers in the Republic of Srpska (BiH)

The research “Introduction of safety and quality standards among private healthcare providers in the Republic of Srpska (BiH)” is conducted over the period July 2015 – December 2017, with support by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research  which acts under the World Health Organization and the Public Health Institute of Republic of Srpska.

The intervention studied under the research is the implementation of regulation (mandatory safety and quality standards) for private healthcare providers in the Republic of Srpska (RS). By studying the intervention, we seek to answer the following research question: “Why does the rate of adoption of mandatory safety and quality standards vary among private pharmacies, dental practices and specialist practices in the Republic of Srpska?”

The diffusion of innovation theory has been used as a conceptual framework on which the research is based. A mixed method approach has been used in designing the proposed research. Primary data, needed for hypotheses testing, are to be collected through (1) face-to-face semi-structured in-depth interviews (third quarter of 2015 and first quarter of 2017) and (2) self-administered postal survey (third quarter of 2016).

The first report was formed after the first round of in-depth interviews, as a part of the overall design and research implementation. After providing contextual information, necessary for an understanding  the position and roles of private healthcare providers  in the Republic of Srpska healthcare system, summarizes the key findings for each type of private healthcare providers, along with a comparison of the main differences among them.

The entire report can be downloaded here:

Link (SRP) 
Link (ЕNG)

Health Management Centre of the Public Health Institute  on 25. May 2016 presented the Policy Brief with results of the first stage (in-depth interviews with representatives of private health care providers) of the research "Introduction of safety and quality standards among private health care providers in the Republic of Srpska”.

The presentation was conducted in order to provide insight to key stakeholders in the Republic of Srpska’s healthcare system into the attitudes of the private healthcare providers that have accepted/not accepted national safety and quality standards.

The Policy Brief can be downloaded here:

Link (SRP)
Link (ENG)

The second report was formed after the self-administered postal survey was conducted on private healthcare providers in Republic of Srpska. After providing contextual information, necessary for an understanding  the position and roles of private healthcare providers  in the Republic of Srpska healthcare system, this report summarizes the key findings for each type of private healthcare providers, along with a comparison of the main differences among them.

The entire report can be downloaded here:

Link (SRP) 
Link (ЕNG)

Summary of second part of research can be downloaded here:
Link (SRP)
Link (ENG)

The third report was formed after the second round of in-depth interviews, as a part of the overall design and research implementation. After providing contextual information, necessary for an understanding  the position and roles of private healthcare providers  in the Republic of Srpska healthcare system, summarizes the key findings for each type of private healthcare providers, along with a comparison of the main differences among them.

The entire report can be downloaded here:

Link (ЕNG)

Hits: 16512
Date: 21.03.2017.