Building the capacity of nurses to support implementation of nursing standard operating procedures in healthcare facilities

Health Management Centre of Public Health Institute implements activity “Building the capacity of nurses to support implementation of nursing standard operating procedures in healthcare facilities” in the period from May 2016 to September 2017 under the project Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Project is financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).   

Under this project activity the Institute provides support to nurses and medical technicians in implementation of the nursing standard operating procedures (SOP) in 11 primary healthcare centers in the Republic of Srpska (Banja Luka, Bijeljina, Derventa, Gradiska, Kostajnica, Laktasi, Mrkonjic Grad, Prijedor, Srbac, Samac and Zvornik). Starting from the list of previously developed nursing standard operating procedures, each primary healthcare center selected procedures that will be implemented in its nursing practice. The nurses and medical technicians are in the process of adaptation and application procedures provide support in the form training for counseling with other healthcare centres, mentoring and supervision.  

The activity build on previous project task “Development of nursing standard operating procedures and education of nurses/technicians in the Republic of Srpska”, which was implemented in the period August 2014 - September 2015. Previously implemented activities encompassed training of 16 nurses in the field of healthcare safety and quality improvement. Participation nurses from the primary healthcare centers developed and implemented 11 nursing standard operating procedures. The need for nursing standard operating procedures in primary health care was observed during the study carried out in four health facilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study results are available here.

Project is implemented in the partnership with Association “Resource Center for Professional Development of Nurses and Medical Technicians in the Republic of Srpska”.


The second report was formed after the self-administered postal survey was conducted on private healthcare providers in Republic of Srpska. After providing contextual information, necessary for an understanding the position and roles of private healthcare providers  in the Republic of Srpska healthcare system, this report summarizes the key findings for each type of private healthcare providers, along with a comparison of the main differences among them.

The entire report can be downloaded here.

Hits: 10686
Date: 10.06.2016.